Thursday, April 8, 2010


Wow, its been too long away from the blog. I've been a busy little bee so I thought I'd present a little photo essay of what I've been up to for the month of March.

Russell and I tried to go snowshoeing in the cascades, but there was no snow so it turned out to be just a hike. A beautiful day though.

I did some weaving and successfully finished a project. Behold the MacGregor Tartan Scarf.

We went on another hike. This time up around Chuckanut. The view over the water was excellent.

And I found a great mushroom! (Great as in interesting, not great as in tasty).

It finally snowed again in the Cascades, so I got one more ski trip with my dad. We skied Ammabilis Mountain. The view near the top.

Russell, Al, Grace, and I went Razor clamming out at Copalis/Moclips beach (I didn't have my camera so these photos are shamelessly stolen from Al and Russell). We all four dug our limit of 15 clams and proceeded to feast on them the next day.

Somewhere in there I went to a conference that went really well, and I continue to work too much at my post doc, but no pictures are necessary for those. They mostly involve staring at a computer screen for too long (which is why I don't blog enough, by the time I've gotten home, I'm all screened out).

Given that spring seems to be here, I expect some more adventures shortly.


Abyss said...

nice to hear from you! Your scarf is beautiful.

Loft Offcourse said...

you can hear the diggers say, as they're headed for the bay..."oh I gotta dig a duck, gotta dig a duck a day"

Umm, you look like you're having a lot of fun. It's lonely here.